The overall market for polyacrylamide remained stable this week

Commodity Market: According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Business Society, the mainstream market of polyacrylamide (CPAM, cationic, molecular weight 12 million, 10-30 ionic degree) in China remained stable this week, with a main price of around 13440 yuan/ton as of the 31st. The prices of raw materials acrylonitrile and acrylic acid have risen, the fuel market has fallen, and the cost of polyacrylamide has fluctuated. Enterprises in the main production areas are operating normally, and the market supply is abundant. The mainstream market of polyacrylamide is mainly consolidating.


Raw material acrylonitrile: According to the commodity market analysis system of Business Society, the acrylonitrile market has risen this week. At present, the mainstream price for self extraction of acrylonitrile from tanks in the market is between 9600 to 10000 yuan/ton. The price of raw material propylene has stopped falling and rebounded, with costs supporting acrylonitrile; Downstream ABS production is at a low level, with industry equipment load around 56%, maintaining only essential support for acrylonitrile; Acrylonitrile production has steadily increased slightly, with a slight increase in the supply of acrylonitrile.


Raw Material Acrylic Acid: According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Business Society, the acrylic acid market has been on the rise this week. As of March 31st, the average quoted price for acrylic acid in the East China region is 6500.00 yuan/ton. The price of raw material propylene has risen, cost pressure has increased, and some equipment on the supply side has been shut down for maintenance. The industry’s capacity utilization rate has decreased, and the quotes from major factories have increased, supporting the market’s price push mentality. Low priced goods on the market have decreased, and downstream inquiries are still promising. Buying continues with a strong demand for follow-up, and actual market transactions are average. As the end of the month approaches, some devices undergo maintenance and there is a shortage of spot supply, resulting in a favorable market trend on the supply side.


Liquefied natural gas for production. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Business Society, the domestic liquefied natural gas market has fallen this week. The market is dominated by oversupply, coupled with the downward trend in raw gas prices, leading to a weakening of the liquefied natural gas market.


Market forecast: In the near future, the prices of raw materials acrylonitrile and acrylic acid have risen, the fuel market has fallen, and the cost of polyacrylamide has fluctuated. On the supply side, the production of enterprises in the main production area was normal this week; On the demand side, downstream procurement and supply remain flat, with little change in market transactions. It is expected that domestic polyacrylamide sorting will be the main focus in the near future.