Tert- butanol nature

Physical Data
Boiling Point (º C, 101.3kPa): 82.42
Melting point (º C): 25.7
Relative density (g / mL, 20/4 º C): 0.775
Refractive index (n20 º C): 1.3878
Viscosity (mPa · s, 30 º C): 3.35
Flash Point (º C, open ) : 11
Flash point (º C): 450 ~ 500
Evaporation heat (KJ / kg, b.p.): 546.3
Melting heat (KJ / kg): 91.6
Heat of combustion (KJ / kg): 35540
Specific heat capacity (KJ / (kg · K), 27 º C, constant pressure ) : 3.04
Critical temperature (º C): 236
Critical pressure (MPa): 3.972
Boiling point rise in constant: 8.37
Conductivity (S / m): 2.9 × 10-7
Lower explosive limit (%, V / V): 2.35
Upper explosive limit (%, V / V): 8
Vapor pressure (kPa, 20 º C): 4.08
Expansion coefficient (K-1, 20 º C): 0.00133
Solubility: miscible with many organic solvents , water, alcohols , esters , ethers , aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons and the like. Soluble in most organic solvents , such as alcohols , esters , ketones , aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons.
Temperature refractive index (n25): 1.382330
The relative density (25 ℃, 4 ℃): 0.775730
The relative density (20 ℃, 4 ℃): 0.7866d
Critical density (g · cm-3): 0.270
Critical volume (cm3 · mol-1): 275
Critical compressibility factor : 0.259
Eccentric Factor: 0.616
Lennard-Jones parameters (A): 5.9095
Lennard-Jones parameters (K): 334.79
Solubility parameter (J · cm-3) 0.5:21.492
vanderWaals area (cm2 · mol-1): 7.620 × 109
vanderWaals volume (cm3 · mol-1): 52.380
Vapor standard heat of combustion ( enthalpy ) (kJ · mol-1): 2690.77
Heat is generated by gas standards (enthalpy ) (kJ · mol-1): -312.42
Vapor standard entropy (J · mol-1 · K-1): 326.70
Vapor standard free energy (kJ · mol-1): -177.6
Vapor standard hot melt (J · mol-1 · K-1): 113.63
Liquid standard combustion heat ( enthalpy ) (kJ · mol-1): -2643.95
Liquid Standard claiming heat ( enthalpy ) (kJ · mol-1): -359.24
Liquid standard entropy (J · mol-1 · K-1): 192.88
Liquid standard free energy (kJ · mol-1): -184.68
Standard liquid melt (J · mol-1 · K-1): 218.6
Crystalline -phase standard combustion heat (enthalpy ) (kJ · mol-1): -2637.26
Standard claimed crystalline phase heat ( enthalpy ) (kJ · mol-1): -365.89
Crystalline phase standard entropy (J · mol-1 · K-1): 170.58
Crystalline phase standard free energy (kJ · mol-1): 184.68
Crystalline phase standard hot melt (J · mol-1 · K-1): 146.1