The logistics transportation is blocked, and the price of ammonium sulfate falls (2.3-2.13)

1、 Price trend


According to the monitoring data of the business agency, the average ex factory price of ammonium sulphate in China was 566 yuan / ton on February 3, and 563 yuan / ton on February 13, with a price drop of 0.59%. On February 13, the ammonium sulfate commodity index was 47.14, unchanged from yesterday, down 55.65% from 106.28 (2012-05-24), the highest point in the cycle, and up 28.62% from 36.65, the lowest point on June 23, 2014. (Note: cycle refers to 2011-09-01 to now)



2、 Market analysis


Product: after the Spring Festival, the market of ammonium sulfate is light. The main quotation of ammonium sulfate in Central China is about 450-650 yuan / ton, that in Henan is 420-630 yuan / ton, that in Hebei is 480-700 yuan / ton, that in East China is 450-650 yuan, that in North China is 420-650 yuan / ton, and that in Northeast China is 450-650 yuan / ton.


Industrial chain: due to the impact of the epidemic, some enterprises in some regions have not yet started work, and the return time is to be determined. Most enterprises have inventory. Raw material market rose steadily. The raw material cost of downstream compound fertilizer enterprises increased, but the logistics transportation was blocked. The stock pressure of ammonium sulfate enterprises increased.



Industry: according to the price monitoring of the business agency, there are five kinds of commodities in the list of rise and fall of bulk commodity prices in the fifth week of 2020 (2.3-2.7). The top three commodities are isopropanol (1.47%), 1,4-butanediol (0.82%) and butanone (0.76%). There are 25 kinds of commodities falling on a month on month basis, with 3 kinds of commodities falling by more than 5%, accounting for 3.5% of the number of commodities monitored in the sector; the top 3 products falling are ox (- 7.94%), PX (- 6.67%) and glycol (- 6.47%). This week’s gains and losses were – 0.64%.


3、 Future forecast


Analysts of ammonium sulphate of business association believe that the current market of ammonium sulphate is not good due to logistics and transportation problems. The price of coking grade ammonium sulfate decreased slightly, and its internal grade ammonium sulfate operated stably. It is expected that the price of ammonium sulfate will fluctuate slightly in the later period, and it is suggested to pay attention to the change of demand.