Cost increases, PA6 market follows upstream trend

Price trend


Gamma-PGA (gamma polyglutamic acid)

Recently, the domestic PA6 market has remained stable and relatively strong, with spot prices fluctuating and rising. According to data monitoring from Business Society, as of May 21st, the domestic benchmark price of PA6 mixture was 14825 yuan/ton, with a price increase or decrease of 1.37% compared to May 1st.


Cause analysis


In terms of raw materials:


Recently, the market price of caprolactam has increased. The price of raw material pure benzene has risen at a high level, coupled with an increase in downstream operating rates, demand is improving. At the same time, some companies had planned maintenance for their caprolactam units, leading to a tightening of market supply. Caprolactam is highly beneficial and provides stronger support for the cost side of PA6.


In terms of supply: Recently, there has been an increase in the load of PA6 production enterprises, with an average operating rate of around 88% and a slight increase in output. The change in inventory position of enterprises is limited. Some manufacturers have low inventory levels. The overall pressure on the supplier is not significant, and the boost to PA6 spot prices is still acceptable.


In terms of demand: Downstream, the current main downstream industries are experiencing high levels of production. The operating rate of spinning remains at 85%, while the weaving load has risen narrowly to over 71%. In the early stage, downstream purchases were in strong demand, and recently some brands have started to be delivered, resulting in a decrease in on-site spot goods. The demand side of PA6 provides sufficient support for spot goods.


Future Market Forecast


The PA6 market has been experiencing strong fluctuations recently. The price of caprolactam continues to rise, providing stronger support for the cost side of PA6. The load of domestic polymerization plants is stable with an increase, and the demand for stocking by terminal enterprises is relatively strong. Overall, the current market demand is strong, and raw materials are strengthening. It is expected that the PA6 market will be slightly stronger and consolidate in the short term.