On November 1st, the price of Shandong isooctanol decreased by 5.45%

Product name: Isooctanol


Latest price (November 1st): 11460.00/ton


On November 1st, the market price of isooctanol in Shandong Province significantly decreased, with a price drop of 660 yuan/ton compared to October 31st, a decrease of 5.45%, and a year-on-year increase of 24.57%. Upstream propylene prices have slightly increased, with good cost support. The downstream DOP market has slightly declined, and downstream demand has slowed down. Enterprises are operating at a high level, with severe inventory accumulation, and large factories are lowering prices to attract orders.


Recently, the market price of isooctanol in Shandong region may fluctuate slightly, with an average market price of around 11200 yuan/ton.
