Ammonium bicarbonate weak market trend

Despite entering the middle of March , but the market is weak trend ammonium bicarbonate . Currently most of ammonium bicarbonate factory price of 520 ~ 620 yuan ( t price , the same below ) , the actual transaction price fell below $ 500 for individual companies , the price hit a new low in recent years .

Ammonium bicarbonate poor market trend , mainly four reasons :
First, by the impact of lower prices of urea . The amount of urea and ammonium bicarbonate are our two largest nitrogen fertilizers , ammonium bicarbonate prices by the price of urea influence. After the Spring Festival so far, the trend of the urea market downturn surprisingly , the spring peak season prices down not up . Due to poor demand , many companies have cut prices, mostly in the reduction from 40 to 80 yuan , up 100 yuan higher . Also led to lower prices of urea ammonium bicarbonate price adjustment down .
Second, the market starting time delayed. Currently , whether dealers or farmers, generally cautious attitude , unwilling to prepare ahead of fertilizer, which led to this year’s spring market start-up time than usual to postpone a month or so.
Three coal prices. More than 90% of all coal as raw material , ammonium bicarbonate . This year the trend of poor coal market , prices fell , making bicarbonate production costs , prices fell for the bicarbonate provides a space .
Fourth, limit the increase in railway freight bicarbonate Sinotrans . February 15 , railway tariffs raised again . The ammonium bicarbonate prices already low, the tariff increases , a greater proportion of freight in the price at the station at the same circumstances , the equivalent of lower ex-factory price . This limits the bicarbonate of Sinotrans , had to digest in the local market . Face oversupply situation, some companies out of competitive pressures, only a sale .( supply)