Benzalkonium chloride Application

Pharmacological effects of Cymbalta cationic surfactant broad-spectrum fungicide , alter the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane permeability , so that the cell cytoplasm
Material extravasation.
Drug interactions with the product soap and other anionic surfactants , citrate , iodide , nitrate , permanganate , salicylates , silver , tartrate and alkaloids incompatibility. Aluminum , cotton dressings, fluorescein sodium , hydrogen peroxide , kaolin , lanolin and some sulfa drugs incompatibility. And some synthetic rubber and plastics ingredients may have incompatibility.
[ Dosing instructions ]
1 . Quaternary ammonium surfactants , its bactericidal medium strength , as a fungicide surgical instruments and items not heat , its efficacy is not clear , so 2010 has been replaced by other low toxicity and more efficient disinfectant , try not used to disinfect these items.
(2) The solution for soft contact lenses can not be agents of extinction mother.

3 aqueous solution of this product may be microbial contamination , to reduce the risk of contamination should be used aseptic or further diluted before use , freshly prepared at the desired concentration and dilution in the process of preservation and to take appropriate measures to prevent the the product may be contaminated .
4 and do not use soap, synthetic detergent , or other salts , avoiding the use of aluminum containers. Metal instrument sterilization needs plus 0.5 % sodium nitrite rust.
5 solution shall be stored in PVC bottles , avoiding its plasticizer contained react , so that efficacy disappeared .
6 should not be used for mirrors , ophthalmic instruments and disinfection of synthetic rubber bladder.
[Usage and dosage]
1 . The skin, mucous membrane disinfection 0.1% solution.
2 wounds disinfected with 0.01 % solution .
3 deep wound lavage with a 0.005% solution .
4 vaginal lavage with a solution of 0.02% to 0.05% .
5 . Bladder and urethra lavage solution of 0.005 % or less .
6 0.0025% to 0.005 % solution of the bladder with fluid retention .
7 sterilization of surgical instruments and save with 0.1 % solution of sodium nitrite can rust .
8 0.005 % to 0.02 % solution of antiseptic drops drug use .
9 Wash hands before surgery with 0.05 % to 0.1 % solution soak for 5 minutes
[Preparation and specifications
1 benzalkonium chloride solution : 5% .
2 benzalkonium bromide solution : 5 %.
Adverse reactions
1 This product is a topical solution concentration generally does not cause skin irritation , but some patients after repeated use of an allergic reaction may occur. When used as a preservative in eye drops , has been reported to cause allergic conjunctivitis , vision loss , etc.
(2) The product has a depolarizing muscle relaxant properties, after taking toxic symptoms include respiratory muscle paralysis caused by breathing difficulties and cyanosis, and even lead to suffocation. Central nervous system depression , hypotension , coma and death may also occur.
Reported benzalkonium chloride can cause allergic conjunctivitis , vision loss, contact dermatitis . Eye drops often benzalkonium bromide ( benzalkonium chloride ) as antibacterial agents . 0.1 % concentration in the cornea causes mild discomfort and for about 2 to 3 hours . Carried out within 90 seconds, slit lamp examination , visible in the corneal epithelium with fine gray clot , 10 minutes gray haze visible inner surface of the cornea , and then the surface conjunctival epithelial desquamation occurs . These surface stimulation and visual impairment in one day disappear . To be sure , the risk of glaucoma, dry eye patients , infection and inflammation of the iris with benzene , such as benzalkonium chloride eye drops too many times , for too long, enough to cause damage. They endothelial damage, and epithelial edema incidence bullous keratopathy high, and because of the seriousness of these diseases may cause harm to ignore some of the other secondary , which for corneal epithelial defects or especially ulcers in patients .
3% solution has also been reported to cause nausea enema minutes , cold sweat , eventually leading to death . Used for vaginal douching , some cases cause of death, cause of death due to respiratory paralysis believed to be caused .
Such as benzalkonium chloride, a suitable amount without any adverse reactions. Is caused by excessive use of tachycardia, palpitations , angina , arrhythmias , headache , nervousness , excitement, anxiety, insomnia, bone road muscle cramps, muscle weakness , tremors , sweating, flushing, heat intolerance , fever , diarrhea, vomiting, weight benzalkonium chloride and other similar alleviate symptoms of hyperthyroidism . When T3 overdose , adverse reactions compared with T4 or benzalkonium chloride powder quickly. Reduction or withdrawal causes all the symptoms disappear. T4 caused by overdose symptoms disappear more slowly. Adverse reactions similar performance with benzalkonium chloride hyperthyroidism , such as increased appetite , nervousness, various types of tachycardia , arrhythmias, and increased basal metabolism and so on. 1986 first reported allergic reactions pure benzalkonium chloride preparations caused benzalkonium chloride dysfunction in patients with fever , abnormal liver function , increased eosinophils , after the general withdrawal symptoms can disappear.
For the youth, who benzalkonium chloride dysfunction , T4 may cause short-term pseudo encephalopathy, if used continuously T4 treatment , even if there is no local neurological defects , both sides will have a headache and papilledema appear. Acute poisoning benzalkonium chloride benzalkonium chloride may cause clinical disease syndrome outbreaks resulting in death, but in general there will be only a temporary overdose symptoms of hyperthyroidism . Pharmacists have been reported due to the amount of T4 as mistakenly g mg dose administered to patients , and a dangerous situation . T4, especially T3, if administered intravenously, the heart is very dangerous, so the next unless edema in patients with myxoid life-threatening , and has a good heart monitor conditions before considering intravenous administration , if these patients while dopamine drugs, more dangerous and should be used with caution .
[ Disabled ] caution
One can certainly suffer from glaucoma, dry eye patients , infection and inflammation of the iris benzalkonium chloride with benzene as the number of drops too much , too long enough to cause damage. They endothelial damage, and epithelial edema incidence bullous keratopathy high, and because of the seriousness of these diseases may lead to neglect of other minor hazards, for corneal epithelial defects or especially ulcers in patients .
2 treatment , misuse of local early use of sodium chloride , magnesium sulfate, soft soap solution antagonistic . Timely adoption of appropriate amount of anti-inflammatory corticosteroids , anti-drug absorption after treatment , can reduce symptoms and shorten the course.
Salt and soap and disinfectant prohibited drugs . Not for cystoscopy, ophthalmic instruments and synthetic rubber products for disinfection.
Three elderly patients sensitive to benzalkonium chloride , more than 60 years of age who require replacement of benzalkonium chloride of about 25% lower than the young .
4 should be used with caution in the following conditions :
① cardiovascular disease, including angina , atherosclerosis , coronary heart disease , hypertension , myocardial infarction patients ;
② for longer duration, severe illness hypothyroidism or myxedema patients using this drug should be careful to start with a small dose , after slowly increasing the dose until the physiological replacement ;
③ associated with pituitary dysfunction , or adrenal insufficiency should be used in patients with corticosteroids, adrenal function returned to normal soon after the use of the drugs. For heart patients and long-term hypothyroidism who use benzalkonium chloride replacement therapy is more dangerous, and adrenal insufficiency often associated with low thyroid function , if benzalkonium chloride alternative treatment prior to corticosteroid therapy , there may be Addison’s crisis.
For patients with swelling of benzalkonium chloride , benzalkonium chloride secretion has remained within the normal range, the endogenous accumulation of benzalkonium chloride , a relatively small amount of exogenous hormones benzalkonium chloride can cause excessive and the cause .